Sunday, February 1, 2009

Quick Update

Just a quick update, as it seems I have seen my self coming and going as of late. Tried to go with my parents today to help clean up in Thayer after their ice storm, but I made it just north of Little Rock when the "Check Engine" light came on in the car. So I had to turn around and head back to the house, and they go up with out my help. From the sounds of things there will be more than enough to do later. My aunt measured an average of 4" of ice, and the power company is telling folks that it could be March before they get power back!

People have wondered how big the dogs are, well here is the answer... or at least half of it. Pepper as always been more of the lets play kid of dog, but lately she has been wanting some attention, and crawling up in your lap to get it. Her body stops at my foot, that is the Shadow on the floor.

1 comment:

Billie said...

That's like...12 of Sissy!