Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Quick Update

Last weekend I packed up the wife and the kids and went my parent’s cabin on the family land. After I got off work, I picked up the kids and we packed up a few things and headed out. Saturday morning Dad and I took the kids to Grand Gulf State Park for some hiking. Attached you see some of the pictures I took on the way down into the gulf and some at the bottom. This gulf is the watershed for 27 or so square miles, and the water that enters the final cave here comes back out of the ground 10 miles or so from here at Mammoth Spring, AR.

One part you walk through a cave or natural bridge to come out on the other side of a bluff. One small tunnel shoots off from the main tunnel only to make a quick 90 degree turn and end up outside. This small section was no longer than 10 feet long so I let kids go on their own and I took some shots of the kids crawling out of the cave. I did not take many pictures during the assent, because I was too busy sucking wind.

Saturday night we grilled hamburgers and hotdogs with a few of my Aunts and Uncles. The kids had a blast clearing the property by finding sticks to throw into bonfire. Dad gave Josh a hatchet and let him go to down on some pine trees that he cut earlier in the season. By Sunday Josh (with some help from us) had cut up three trees. Meagan stumbled upon a black snake about 3-4 feet long. We took some pictures of him, and let me go on his way. Kim hurt Saturday night, so we took it easy Sunday and did not rush out of town. We went by the cemetery so everyone would have an idea where some of the family members are at. We had fun and are going to try and go back when the leaves start to turn.

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